If you are confused between CBD (Cannabidiol) or CBG (Cannabigerol) products, then this article is all you need to read. Both these compounds have some similar and some differentiating properties, and it’s important to understand them before making a purchasing decision.
Commonly known as cannabinoids, these compounds can be easily and legally bought in the form of gummies, tinctures, softgels, creams, vapes, and more. They interact with your body’s natural support system to ease your anxiety, stress, pain, and sleep troubles.
CBD is a major cannabinoid, and CBG is a minor cannabinoid, but both have their unique use cases. So don’t think of which one’s better; think about which one will work best for you. Let’s explore both CBD and CBG in detail so that you can make the right choice for your specific wellness goals.
What are CBD and CBG?
CBD and CBG are both naturally occurring compounds (cannabinoids) found in the cannabis sativa plants. There are more than 120 such compounds, and each has its unique structure and healing effects.
CBG is present in early stages, and as the plant grows up, it breaks down to form major cannabinoids CBD and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). So in a grown-up cannabis plant, there’s hardly 1% CBG left.
That’s why it’s known as a minor cannabinoid, and CBD and THC are known as major cannabinoids. To make cannabinoid products like gummies, tinctures, or vapes, manufacturers extract these cannabinoids from industrial hemp plants.
As per law, the THC content in these products cannot be more than 0.3% because it’s highly intoxicating. Hemp plants are chosen instead of marijuana because they naturally have a low amount of THC.
The structure of CBD and CBG is somewhat identical, but the way they interact with receptors in the body is slightly different. Plus, CBG products usually sell at a premium because more plants are required to extract them as compared to CBD.
One good thing about both these cannabinoids is that they are non psychoactive and won’t make you high or trippy like THC. Also, there’s no risk of addiction to CBD and CBG, and side effects are also next to nil. Now let’s understand how they work.
How does CBD work?
All mammals have an endocannabinoid system in their body, and its function is to regulate our pain, mood, sleep, memory, stress, appetite, inflammation, and other such responses to keep a state of balance maintained in the body.
This regulation is done through the interaction of endocannabinoid receptors such as CB1 and CB2, and the body naturally produces endocannabinoids such as anandamide and 2-AG.
CBD doesn’t bind with these receptors directly. It indirectly influences them by blocking enzymes that break down anandamide, and that leads to sustained relaxing and calming effects. Plus, it also activates serotonin receptors (5-HT1A) and makes us feel better and chilled out.
How does CBG work?
CBG also works on the same endocannabinoid system in the body. But unlike CBD, it directly binds to CB1 and CB2 receptors and interacts with them. It activates alpha 2 adrenergic receptors, which may lower blood pressure and slow heart rate, making it ideal for people with hypertension and other cardiovascular issues.
It also brings down pain and inflammation by activating TRP channels. Another way it brings down pain perception is by inhibiting calcium and sodium channels. It also blocks TRPM8, which is associated with cold sensation.
However, the research on CBG is still quite limited, whereas CBD has already gone through much larger-scale clinical trials. So scientists are still trying to understand the full workings of CBG in the human body, and more information will come out in the coming days.
Which one is better?
When it comes to cannabinoids, it’s wrong to say which one is better. For some people, CBG is good, while for others, CBD is good. CBD has gone through more trials and is considered effective for anxiety, stress, chronic pain, sleep, epilepsy, and mood. Whereas CBG is a bit less explored, it is considered quite good for heart health.
It may increase blood flow, improve good cholesterol, and prevent arteries from clogging up. It’s also a good appetite stimulant and increases hunger, making it good for people suffering from appetite loss caused by chemotherapy or any other treatment and eating disorders. It’s great for gut health as well and may bring down inflammation in people suffering from inflammatory bowel diseases.
So technically, both have their specific use case, and you can opt for one over the other accordingly. For day-to-day anxiety, stress, and sleep issues, you can go with CBD. Whereas for heart health, gut health, poor appetite, and strong pain, you can go with CBG.
But do note that CBG products are a bit expensive, so if you want to experience the combined benefit of both these cannabinoids, it’s best to go with full-spectrum products. These products will have both CBG and CBD and the goodness of many other cannabinoids all in one bottle, leading to a strong combined healing “entourage” effect.
Are there any side effects of these compounds?
Generally, cannabinoids like CBG and CBD are well tolerated by the human body and don’t produce any major side effects. In the initial days, you may feel slight dehydration and nausea, but these mild side effects will wear off soon.
It’s best to start with a low dose of 10-15 mg CBD/CBG per day, and you can gradually increase it over time till the desired outcome is experienced. Pregnant and nursing women should avoid it, though, because there’s not enough data to understand how cannabinoids affect a growing kid’s or fetus’ health.
The Key Notes
To sum it up, both CBD and CBG have tons of wellness-enhancing properties, and you can go with either. Instead of thinking about which one is better, it’s best to try them both and stick with what works best for you. Or, you can get their combined benefit by opting for CBD + CBG Full Spectrum oil by Colorado Botanicals. Using it regularly will not only improve your anxiety and stress but will also keep your heart and gut healthy. Just start with a low dose, keep notes, and increase water intake to avoid dehydration.